Allegiance in Exile

Author(s): David R. George, III

Sci-fi & Fantasy

A beautiful green world, rich in fertile soil and temperate climate ...a textbook Class-M planet that should be teeming with life. Scans show no life-signs, but there are refined metals, including those associated with a space-faring race ...and a lone city. But where are all of the inhabitants? Captain James T. Kirk leads a landing party from the U.S.S. Enterprise, hoping to get some answers. The away team discovers a city in ruins, covered by dust, utterly bereft of life. Tricorder readings indicate that this is no ancient metropolis-it has been deserted only for a year. And just beyond the citadel lies what appears to be an ancient spaceport ...a graveyard of ships that have clearly been sabotaged. With these ruins too far from either the Klingon or the Romulan Empires, the Enterprise crew can only wonder: Who could have done this? And could this unnamed threat now pose an imminent danger to the Federation?

General Information

  • : 9781476700229
  • : Simon & Schuster
  • : Star Trek
  • : 0.186
  • : 13 February 2013
  • : United States
  • : books

Other Specifications

  • : David R. George, III
  • : Paperback
  • : 813.6
  • : 384

More About The Product

David R. George III is the critically-acclaimed writer of the Star Trek: Voyager episode 'Prime Factors' . His Star Trek books include the DS9 novels The 34th Rule (with Armin Shimerman), Mission Gamma: Twilight and Worlds of Deep Space Nine 3; the original series Crucible books and the Lost Era title Serpents Among the Ruins.