The New Biographical Dictionary of Film

Author(s): David Thomson


'This book is both more and less than history, a work of imagination in its own right, a piece of movie literature that turns fact into romance.' Gavin Lambert was reviewing the first edition of David Thomson's monumental work in 1975. In the eight years since the third edition was published, careers have waxed and waned, reputations been made and lost, great movies produced, trends set and scorned. This updated fourth edition has 30 entirely new entries and every original entry has been re-examined. Thus the roster of directors, actors, producers, screenwriters and cameramen is both historical and contemporary, with old masters reappraised in terms of how their work has lasted. Each of the 1,330 profiles is a keenly perceptive, provocative critical essay. Striking the perfect balance between personal bias and factual reliability, David Thomson - novelist, critic, biographer and unabashed film addict - has given us an enormously rich reference book, a brilliant reflection on the art and artists of the cinema. Review: * 'Essential reading... epic erudition and an equally epic sense of mischief', Independent * 'It's still the only movie book you'd want with you on a desert island', Time Out * 'For film fans there is no more transcendental book... Untouchable', Sunday Times * 'One of the great reference books of all time, never mind about film', Evening Standard Paperback 1008pp h235mm x w173mm 1405g

General Information

  • : 9780316726603
  • : little
  • : little
  • : books

Other Specifications

  • : David Thomson
  • : Paperback

More About The Product

Author Biography: David Thomson is London-born but has lived and worked in California for over twenty years. He writes and reviews films regularly for major press publications.